Selecting a location where we will house up is a job that demands a precision, not only the technical aspects, as well as several other aspects that contribute to determine, such as economic aspects, the achievement of other aspects also can be the basis of land locations where we will build a house later .
Economic aspects: the economic aspect is probably more to promote the value of the land in terms of investment, whether the value of the land and the environment in compliance with the building price will be planned, such as location of land located in an area of less strategic (in the alley, dense residential area, on the outskirts of town with difficult access, etc.) will be at Wake House with a value above USD 500 million, when viewed in the economy then the value of buildings and land values are not in accordance with economic principles, certainly if the House will be on sale the price will fall, when prices are high buildings, it is because the environmental conditions that do not support. Therefore advisable to choose the appropriate location of land with development plans, or if we already have land located in economically less favorable, then the development plan must also be adapted to existing land values.
Attainment aspect: The reason for site selection can also be viewed from the aspect of this achievement, we usually measure aspects of this achievement with our routine activities of everyday life, such as work, school children, and the achievement of other facilities such as entertainment and commerce. The closer the location where we want to build a house with which we work, school children, entertainment and commerce, the site will increasingly have a positive value of aspects of this achievement, and this will also affect the economic aspects of the course.
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